Friday, 14 February 2014

Not Tonight Honey, I Have a Headache - A Valentine's Day Special

By Jacqueline Chikakano

didn't want to miss this opportunity to have my say about a form of violence that makes me all the more passionate about this subject of violence against women... that is "marital rape," yes you heard me right... Marital Rape.

Now let me hasten you say that I am well aware of the numerous moral, traditional, egotistical and other arguments that mostly men have against this concept  of marital rape but for today, I’m sorry but you will all have to just bear with  me as I say it  from where I stand.

So yes, there is such a thing called marital rape and I’m going to look at a few reasons why it exists and how it’s affecting women in different ways. Without getting legalistic at all, I shall for purposes of this discussion describe marital rape as that situation where a man forcefully has intercourse with his WIFE against her wish or consent… yes against one's WIFE without her "consent!"

Now I bet all you men, especially of African origin, who had to "pay" hefty sums of money as bride price accompanied by the choicest herd of cattle from your cattle pen are gasping for breath right now as I speak, out of shock and possibly anger at what I’m saying i.e. that a man needs to agree with his wife on when and how they have sex. But unapologetically, I maintain that yes, even in marriage the two ought to be in agreement as to when and how they have sex and should the man forcefully take his wife then not only is it wrong and hurtful, but it is an offence in a number of jurisdictions, including my motherland Zimbabwe.

Marital rape is one common form of violence that married women across the globe have to withstand more times and perhaps more often than other forms of violence that women suffer, mostly without recourse to justice too because it happens in such privacy and also because women largely find it hard to divulge their family problems let alone those related to sex and their sexuality.

I think what makes marital rape even more prevalent is the fact that mostly culture/tradition and religion do not recognise this form of violence as violence at all. At church at one time during a meeting; the female speaker said in my language " nhengo dzese dzemuviri hadzifaniri kutsamwa nyangwe zvodii" what she was trying to say was that even if you are angry at each other as a couple, this anger should not affect your sexual anatomy and desires and that despite being angry at each other, a couple's sexual life must go on....really, really..?? A penny for your thought on that one.

On the other hand the proponents of culture and tradition also preach that "baba havanyimwe nyangwe zvodini" meaning that no matter what...the man must have sex when and how he wants it...but what about me the woman and how I feel at that particular time? Doesn’t it matter at all?

It is in my belief that these traditional/ cultural and religious beliefs have spoiled men to believe they can violate a woman in that way just because she is his wife. A few men that i have probed on this subject maintain with shocking confidence and self belief that sex with their wives is a "right" to be enjoyed at all costs regardless of circumstances.

But then I think to myself, fine culture/tradition and religion have a lot of blame in this but at the same time I cant help but also lay the blame sorely at the feet of those men who are into this deplorable practice of forcibly having entercourse with their wives. i have since come to the  conclusion that such men lack respect for and appreciation of women and are also simply weak as well as largely not up to their game in terms of "handling" their wives  i.e. they just don't know how to put their wives into the right and conducive mood for entercourse  because speaking as a woman if a man knows his stuff then without a doubt the use of force  on the marriage bed is absolutely unnecessary.

But then such men are also lazy and havent invested time and effort in learning their wives and what puts them into song, hence they resort to the easiest and cowardly way out, which is to take their wives by force. yet..its simple really , you just gotta know your woman, and there won't be any need to use force and violate  a woman in that way. Instead sex can be had as and when and how both partners wish within the marriage... if only men would master this and some.

However, if you men out there feel differently about all this please do feel free to share with us the other side of the story. Otherwise  for me, the issue here is simple, marital rape exists. Infact maybe more than other forms of violence suffered by women.  Aside from it being morally, physically and legally wrong...the saddest part for me is how it more  often than not leads to other forms of violence that women suffer such as emotional, psychological as well as physical abuse. It also leads to other related consequences such as  women contracting sexually transmitted diseases and HIV because that room to negotiate when and how she has entercourse is not there.

So as we  commemorate these 16 days of activism against gender based violence...lets spare a thought for the plight of many a married women across the globe especially because very few of them get to speak out about  it. To all you married men out there, don't  you even dare sugarcoat it... NO means NO ...when  you  take her by force its RAPE and there is no nicer way of describing it other than by what it is.....  The next time you force yourself on her just remember the gravity of the violation you are perpetrating on is hoping we see an end to this form of violence and any others against women.


*This article was written for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence.

*Ms. Chikakano is a former Magistrate and trained lawyer, who currently works for the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zimbabwe Chapter.

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